Astronomical League


Capturing light in the dark on the road

Gallery Messier Objects EQ6-R Pec StarNet++ Subscribe

Dumbbell Nebula NGC 6853

August 14, 2021
  • Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro
  • Optics: William Optics Zenithstar 81
  • Focal Length: 559mm
  • Flattener: FLAT 6AIII .80 @ 447mm
  • Filter: Optolong L-eNhance Light Pollution
  • Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro
  • Guide Camera: ZWO 120mm Mini
  • Guide Scope: WO f/4 50mm
  • Lights: 15
  • Darks: 45
  • Gain: 120, Offset: 10, Temp: -10C
  • Exposure: 180 secs x 15 exposures = total 45 mins
  • Software: SharpCap Pro, NINA, PHD2, Cartes du Ciel, DSS, PS
  • Bortle Class: 4

Photoshop Version

I finished my polar alignment and my focusing on Altair and it was only 9:30pm, too early for the Soul Nebula in my location. So I did some research in Stellarium and found the Dumbbell Nebula was high enough in the sky but I didn't think my focal lenght of 447mm was long enough to image it. So I thought I would take a test shot and see what I could get and was very surprised at the result that showed up in NINA. I quickly created a sequence in NINA for the Dumbbell and began imaging. This is the processed version from Photoshop.

More data on Aug 19, 2021

I added another hour of data. Hopefully my post-processing skills also improved a bit.

Copyright © 2021-2024 Dave Morrison Photography