This is the first time using my new William Optics Zenithstar 81 APO and new guide scope. It took awhile to get my guide camera in focus as it has a very short focal length. Once it was focused thou, I did a rough polar alignment with the polar scope on the mount. I used SharpCap Pro to finetune the alignment. Upon completion, I took a test shot and I could see polaris in the frame. :) What's nice, is the Z81 comes with a built-in Bahtinov mask to focus the Z81 which I really loved using. Once that was completed, I used Carte du Ciel to control my mount as I can click on an object and it will tell the mount to move.
I used StarNet++ on the below image and removed all the stars and then apply changes to just the galaxies. Then using Photoshop, I layered the stars back on top, adjusting the opacity.
My first time trying my hand at Siril, stacking and preprocessing. I exported a TIF then continued processing in Photoshop.